
Friday, February 22, 2013

7 quick takes Friday


I have been enjoying these at another blog for several years and am going to jump in and see what happens. This is my 'fun' blog. My 'girl' blog. That other voice place.


Apple dumplings. I have been thinking about apple dumplings. Or maybe not. I have been thinking about those delectable concoctions that are a baked apple wrapped up in pastry. The hospital cafe (where I frequently eat during the week to guarantee that, if I get too home too tired to deal with cooking/eating/cleaning, I will have at least had a shot at a well-balanced meal) makes them sometimes.

But I think that the best of these would not have so much sweet in the pastry itself.

It should have cinnamon sprinkled over, after, however. And they put cranberries in it, too. Whether they are dried, then stewed, I don't know. Marvelously plump little creatures. I always try to scrape more of them from the pan when I scoop up my dumpling.

Rain. We are promised two days of it (or were; the forecast changes on a regular basis from likely most dire to little bit o' nothing at a moment's notice) with a flood watch from noon today until six p.m. Saturday.

Work. I brought my laptop in today since the work computer died a most horrible death yesterday. The desk seems naked without it.

And I note as I frequently do that the hum of computers, like the hum of airplanes that permeates this city, is really loud.

Chillens. So many women have them. Mine have grown up and gone far, far away. One of them is in the Czech Republic now. Glad he is not in China any more. Or India.

The other is preparing to buy a house in the little town in Maine wherein she and her beloved were married a few years ago. I find that soooo romantic, and sweet, and it makes me think marriages can do what they are supposed to do, and last forever.

They had never been to the town and almost drew the name out of a hat, as I have heard the story.

Weather makes such big news now. But I have always been rather fond of weather. Outside the window at work the sky is gray and the winter trees behind the evergreens are swaying in all their bare splendor.

Lent must be a gray season. The memory, always, of winter and that last preparation the seeds make before they peep out to begin all again in the spring.

Now, the link back to Jen's community and we are done!

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